uploaded:2020/4/19 engine version:
"minecraft:climate": { --opt
"temperature": float,
"downfall": float
"snow_accumulation": [ float, float ]
"minecraft:overworld_height": { --opt
"noise_params": [ float, float ], --opt
"noise_type": str --opt
"minecraft:forced_features": { --opt
"first_pass": [ --opt
{ --opt
"iterations": molang,
"scatter_chance": { --opt
"numerator": int,
"denominator": int
"scatter_chance": molang, --opt
"coordinate_eval_order": enumerated_value, [zyx]--opt
"x": molang, --opt
"x": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"z": molang, --opt
"z": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"y": molang, --opt
"y": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"places_feature": feature_reference,
"identifier": str
"before_underground_pass": [ --opt
"iterations": molang
"scatter_chance": { --opt
"numerator": int,
"denominator": int
"scatter_chance": molang --opt
"coordinate_eval_order": enumerated_value, [zyx] --opt
"x": molang, --opt
"x": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"z": molang, --opt
"z": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"y": molang, --opt
"y": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"places_feature": feature_reference,
"identifier": str
"underground_pass": [ --opt
"iterations": molang
"scatter_chance": { --opt
"numerator": int,
"denominator": int
"scatter_chance": molang --opt
"coordinate_eval_order": enumerated_value, [zyx] --opt
"x": molang, --opt
"x": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"z": molang, --opt
"z": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"y": molang, --opt
"y": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"places_feature": feature_reference,
"identifier": str
"after_underground_pass": [ --opt
"iterations": molang
"scatter_chance": { --opt
"numerator": int,
"denominator": int
"scatter_chance": molang --opt
"coordinate_eval_order": enumerated_value, [zyx] --opt
"x": molang, --opt
"x": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"z": molang, --opt
"z": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"y": molang, --opt
"y": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"places_feature": feature_reference,
"identifier": str
"before_surface_pass": [ --opt
"iterations": molang
"scatter_chance": { --opt
"numerator": int,
"denominator": int
"scatter_chance": molang --opt
"coordinate_eval_order": enumerated_value, [zyx] --opt
"x": molang, --opt
"x": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"z": molang, --opt
"z": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"y": molang, --opt
"y": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"places_feature": feature_reference,
"identifier": str
"surface_pass": [ --opt
"iterations": molang
"scatter_chance": { --opt
"numerator": int,
"denominator": int
"scatter_chance": molang --opt
"coordinate_eval_order": enumerated_value, [zyx] --opt
"x": molang, --opt
"x": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"z": molang, --opt
"z": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"y": molang, --opt
"y": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"places_feature": feature_reference,
"identifier": str
"after_surface_pass": [ --opt
"iterations": molang
"scatter_chance": { --opt
"numerator": int,
"denominator": int
"scatter_chance": molang --opt
"coordinate_eval_order": enumerated_value, [zyx] --opt
"x": molang, --opt
"x": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"z": molang, --opt
"z": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"y": molang, --opt
"y": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"places_feature": feature_reference,
"identifier": str
"before_sky_pass": [ --opt
"iterations": molang
"scatter_chance": { --opt
"numerator": int,
"denominator": int
"scatter_chance": molang --opt
"coordinate_eval_order": enumerated_value, [zyx] --opt
"x": molang, --opt
"x": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"z": molang, --opt
"z": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"y": molang, --opt
"y": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"places_feature": feature_reference,
"identifier": str
"sky_pass": [ --opt
"iterations": molang
"scatter_chance": { --opt
"numerator": int,
"denominator": int
"scatter_chance": molang --opt
"coordinate_eval_order": enumerated_value, [zyx] --opt
"x": molang, --opt
"x": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"z": molang, --opt
"z": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"y": molang, --opt
"y": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"places_feature": feature_reference,
"identifier": str
"after_sky_pass": [ --opt
"iterations": molang
"scatter_chance": { --opt
"numerator": int,
"denominator": int
"scatter_chance": molang --opt
"coordinate_eval_order": enumerated_value, [zyx] --opt
"x": molang, --opt
"x": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"z": molang, --opt
"z": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"y": molang, --opt
"y": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"places_feature": feature_reference,
"identifier": str
"final_pass": [ --opt
"iterations": molang
"scatter_chance": { --opt
"numerator": int,
"denominator": int
"scatter_chance": molang --opt
"coordinate_eval_order": enumerated_value, [zyx] --opt
"x": molang, --opt
"x": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"z": molang, --opt
"z": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"y": molang, --opt
"y": { --opt
"distribution": enumerated_value, [uniform random gaussian(centered in the range) grid]
"step_count": int, --opt
"extent": [ molang, molang ]
"places_feature": feature_reference,
"identifier": str
"minecraft:ignore_automatic_features":{}, --opt
"minecraft:overworld_surface": { --opt
"top_material": block_reference,
"mid_material": block_reference,
"floor_material": block_reference,
"foundation_material": block_reference,
"floor_depth": int
"minecraft:surface_material_adjustments": { --opt
"adjustments": [ --opt
"materials": {
"top_material": block_reference, --opt
"mid_material": block_reference, --opt
"floor_material": block_reference, --opt
"foundation_material": block_reference --opt
"noise_range": [ str/float, str/float ] [infinity]
"minecraft:swamp_surface": { --opt
"top_material": block_reference,
"mid_material": block_reference,
"floor_material": block_reference,
"foundation_material": block_reference,
"floor_depth": int
"minecraft:frozen_ocean_surface": --opt
"top_material": block_reference,
"mid_material": block_reference,
"floor_material": block_reference,
"foundation_material": block_reference,
"floor_depth": int
"minecraft:mesa_surface": { --opt
"top_material": block_reference,
"mid_material": block_reference,
"floor_material": block_reference,
"foundation_material": block_reference,
"floor_depth": int,
"clay_material" block_reference,
"hard_clay_material": block_reference,
"bryce_pillars": bool,
"has_forest": bool
"minecraft:nether_surface": {}, --opt
"minecraft:the_end_surface": {}, --opt
"minecraft:world_generation_rules": { --opt
"hills_transformation": biome_reference, --opt
"hills_transformation": [ --opt
biome_reference, --opt
[ --opt
"mutate_transformation": biome_reference --opt
"mutate_transformation": [ --opt
biome_reference, --opt
[ --opt
"generate_for_climates": [ --opt
[ enumerated_value, int ]
"river_transformation": biome_reference, --opt
"river_transformation": [ --opt
biome_reference --opt
[ --opt
"shore_transformation": biome_reference --opt
"shore_transformation": [ --opt
biome_reference --opt
[ --opt
"minecraft:legacy_world_generation_rules": {}, --opt
"[a-z0-9_.:]+": {}
constructed by: Masec Rinca